My Fuzzy Family

Greetings, fuzzy subjects!  If you’ve arrived at this page, you may be interested in learning more about with whom I, President Fuzz, spend my time.  And who makes your President so fuzzy in the first place!  So please, meet my fuzzy family:

Christopher, my Fuzzy Husby.


You may not know it by looking at him, but Christopher is rather fuzzy.  The lint creatures that are regularly extracted from his belly button can attest to this.  Christopher is a band teacher, poker player, and spoils me rotten.



Jesse is the old man of the house, recently turning 15.  I got him when he was about three, when my downstairs neighbor came to me with him and told me that she was moving and couldn’t keep him, so unless I took him, she would deliver him to a shelter.  He’s a very mellow kitty and enjoys begging for table scraps, avoiding food bowl confrontations, and was honored by being designated the 2010 and 2013 Koski-Sigman Cat of the Year.  We love this fluffy nugget!


Abbey (a.k.a., Kitten Zilla, Kitten Menace, Abzilla, Evil) is the littlest member of our fuzzy clan.  I got her from the Humane Society when she was just a kitten – how could I resist!  She is super cute.  Right away she adopted Jesse as her mother (and he seems to be fine with this, surprisingly).  Even though she’s almost five years old now, she still kneads and suckles him!  Besides this cute (puzzling?) habit, she likes to torment Samantha by staring at her, tear around the house for no reason, and insist upon coming into the bathroom with me when all I ask for is a little bit of privacy.



Samantha is the matriarch of our four-legged friends.  Chris rescued her as a stray, but did not know about her past as a street-walking little tramp.  He soon found out, however, when she delivered a littler of kittens, of which he kept two, Momo and Oliver.  Samantha is our most snuggly and friendly cat, and likes to sleep by my head every night.  She also likes to itch a lot because of unidentified allergies (we’ve seen specialists to no avail, but we keep her itching under control with meds).  Samantha is the proud winner of the 2011 and 2012 Koski-Sigman Cat of the Year Awards.



Momo is our resident basement cat, and is one of Samantha’s kittens.  She is very stand-offish, and is pretty timid around strangers.  She doesn’t like to be petted unless it’s on what we call the “pet buffet” (the divider to the stairs going down to the basement), or if she’s on one of the basement couches.  There, she LOVES pets and squidgles and will meow, purr and bat at your hand if you stop loving on her!  She’s a pretty girl, and one of her favorite games is to keep Abbey out of the basement (where all the litter boxes are, coincidentally).



Oliver is the other kitten of Sam’s that Chris kept.  He is large, but he prefers the term fluffy.  He holds the primary responsibility for our high cat food bills, and is also fairly shy.  But he certainly does love to snuggle, especially with Samantha.  Who is ready for him to move out already – he ALWAYS wants to be by her side; he’s pretty much her shadow.  In the morning, we play the robe game where he smacks the robe ties, and we also play the “where’s Oliver?” game, where I throw the bed covers over him.  You can do anything to him and he loves it!

And we will never forget…

Nemo, my orange little slug-eater, who always liked to hunt toes.
Zoe, my petite little tortoiseshell kitty, who understood me so well (her paw prints are permanent!).
Teddy Bear, who just needed a dog person to love him.  I tried, and hope that he had a better life for it.

9 thoughts on “My Fuzzy Family

    • Oh. My. Goodness!!! 13 cats – how many litter boxes do you have??? 😀 I would love to have more cats but my husband would probably leave me, lol! Thanks for checking out my blog – I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s A to Z posts in April! Cheers, marci 😀

  1. Marci, you have a GORGEOUS family!! Sweet video. I love how all the cats have such different personalities. And what’s with the bathroom intrusion?? Here too! I do dogsitting and every time I go into the bathroom, I have a line of dogs trailing behind me all wanting to squeeze in the bathroom with me. I’m always saying, “I don’t stand over you when you pee! What’s up with this?!” Lol. funny creatures, all. Love your fuzzy blog!

  2. Pingback: I just won a Liebster Award? Help me pick out a dress! | Fuzzy Undertones

  3. I follow Sammy D, at and read her introduction to your blog so I had to come see. Great photos, especially the one of you and hubby, you look so happy; and your cats are adorable. The roller derby skating is fascinating. My grandmother was obsessed with watching roller derby second only to wrestling, so I watched a lot of it as well. I don’t like to hurt though, kind of a woose (sp?), so never thought of actually trying it. You go girl!

    • Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by – I love Sammy at Bemuzin, too 🙂 Roller derby has actually changed quite a bit since the days when it was all staged and violent…we wear all sorts of protective gear and there are lots of rules that we follow to avoid injury. That’s not to say that I haven’t gotten some beautiful bruises on occasion! Anyway, I look forward to reading up on your blog and seeing you around the blogosphere! 😀

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